Artist Spotlight: Prophetess Bola Olajide

Prophetess Bola Olajide is the President and Founder of THE TRUE VINE EVANGELICAL MINISTRIES (TTVEM) based in Boston, Massachusetts. Called with a mandate to preach the gospel to the nations, to liberate mankind from all oppression of the devil. ‘Mama’ as she is so fondly called, is an evangelist per excellence, a teacher of the Word and an anointed singer. Many are called but few chosen, God continues to confirm His approval of this daughter of Zion with healings, signs and wonders in all her ministrations.
As a mother blessed with so many children, she understands the pain points of motherhood and their anguish over their children. To this end, she holds a powerful prayer platform called MOTHER PRAYS for mothers to come together in all manner of prayers for their children. Understanding the place of Praise in total surrender to God for our lives and communities, she has spearheaded an All-Invitational annual BOSTON MEGA PRAISE where many churches converge, and the praise of God rings out throughout the community. 

She is also the founder of THE TRUE WORSHIPERS, an inter-denominational Mass Choir which anchors a Monthly PRAISE AND POWER SERVICE every last Friday of the month, bringing people of all race, color, nationalities and denominations together (CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS) with the main objective of worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth, with God manifesting His Presence, Power and Glory.

She has been to several states and cities in the United States of America in the course of fulfilling these heavenly assignments.

She is happily married and blessed with children.


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