Event: KICC presents Shifting Paradigms 2020 || 26th – 30th August


A word from IGOC 2020 Host Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo 

When the Lord gave me the theme for this year’s conference it was months before the Covid-19 pandemic hit the globe. 

We are now living in a time when ‘normal’ is no more. The days of business as usual are over.

Mankind has come face to face with its frailty and weakness. In spite our best efforts, no one has a concrete answer or a fails safe plan BUT we have the Answer: Jesus Christ and our faith in Him is the anchor we hold fast to in this shifting times. He is also the One we hold onto to shift into a new paradigm. We cannot think and operate the way we used to. 

The Holy Spirit is calling us into a deeper and closer walk with Him. There are marvellous things He wants to reveal to us. He desires to transform us into His new man by changing the way that we think (Romans 12.2 and 1 Samuel 10:6).

We were not born to fit into a system. We are in the world but we are not of it. The Lord is reminding us today: “I created you to reflect my glory.” 

I believe this conference will not just inspire you, it will be a pivotal moment in your Christian journey. This is a turning point. A move of God that will see the Church move practically into our calling of power and authority. 

This year IGOC marks its 30th year of impacting lives and I trust the Lord that this year will be even more impactful. Practical wisdom will be shared and when we put this wisdom into practise in faith, there will be a good change in our lives. God wants us to prosper and be in good health, even as our souls prosper. 

We have been called for such a time as this. It’s time to arise and shine brethren. We can no longer hide under a bushel.

This year’s event is freely available for you to logon and experience in your own setting, and as the pandemic has affected many people financially, we have also reduced the price of the conference products by 40% for all of those who register to attend, so I encourage you to invite your friends and family and register today.

Remain blessed and I’ll see you at IGOC 2020 

Matthew Ashimolowo 
