[Audio + Video] Category 3 by Seyi Senzino


Seyi Senzino is a new and fast rising gospel music artist. He resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Originally from Nigeria, he came to Canada to further his education. He found passion in music and as a strong believer in Jesus Christ, decided to start making gospel music in all sorts of genre.
He hopes to one day be a virologist as he continues his endeavour in his education but he is also willing to put to good use whatever talent God has blessed him with.


Category 3 signifying the father, son and holy spirit is a song that explains the necessity of God to the every listener. It also depicts the severity of having Christ in our lives as anything we do outside him amounts to nothing on the day of his return which is fast approaching. Christ isn’t an option but a necessity.

The song CATEGORY 3 now available on:
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Connect with Seyi Senzino
Facebook: @seyisenzino
Twitter: @senzino
Instagram: @seyi_senzino
Contact Number:+1(778)318-2184