1. Peter Ihegie – I am yours

Peter Ihegie is a divinely gifted musician and ‘I am Yours’ is a song that describes a life transformed by the love of God.

2. Anthonia E Zion – Yahweh

Yahweh is a melodious praise song that celebrates the presence, goodness and faithfulness of God in the lives of believers. It is infused with rich afrobeat vibes that will get you dancing and singing everytime.

3. Stephen Adebusoye- Showers of blessings

SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS is a timely song of intercessory prayer that calls on the God of abundance to switch the mercy drops to abundant rain of blessings especially in this season when the world is going through a lot of confusion, hardship and chaos.

4. Kylie Bokolo – Because of You

This song is a song that will carry you through your journeys of relationship, victories ,hope ,faith , love and transformation through Yesuah Hamashiac.

5. Adebola Udoh – Possibilities

This song will open your eyes up to the God of Possibilities.

Adebola Udoh in this song does an amazing Job by beautifully curating a song talking about the God of Possibilities.

6. Cindy Williams – Love

The song “Love” is a masterpiece that will transcend this season. The song highlights the importance of LOVE in our local communities and the nation as a whole.

Click the link now to have a personal understanding of this undisputable fact.

7. Luke Wareham & Rachel Mason – Whisper

God is near,  God is close and is already working things out. These are what this song aims to remind you of.

In a world ridden with turmoil, the ‘Song’ whisper is that beautiful reminder that God is close and working things out.

8. Tee-Eye – Your Pleasure My Desire

Many a times we often get distracted and eventually derail from the primary purpose of our existence which is to bring pleasure to God. This song is a beautiful reminder of that.

9. Rokinijo The WORSHIPPER – Elohim Bara

ELOHIM BARA (God the Creator) is a debut worship piece of Gospel Poet Rokinijo The Worshipper. This spoken word is a rendition of the creation story, narrated through the lens of worship

10. Lanle Toye – Call Him

This song will remind you of some of God’s wonderful names, and to thank and rejoice in Him now and always.

11. Ashley BA – My Song

Are you looking for that song in the midst of that trial ?
Listen to this song now!

12. Mojisola : Pray

‘PRAY‘ will encourage the discouraged, heal the broken-hearted, bind up the wounded soul, speak life to the dead and dying, lift up the lover who has lost or feels he/she is losing, revive the rejected, restore the prodigal son/daughter, warm up the weary, deliver the depressed and reconnect those who have lost their way, back to the FATHER.