Music: Indisputable – Bukola Obamishe || @bukolaobamishe


To celebrate her birthday, an ardent lover of God, a songwriter, energetic and spirit-filled praise and worship leader Bukola Obamishe releases her much anticipated single titled INDISPUTABLE.

Having received the chorus divinely in her sleep, the song Indisputable is not the first song to be composed by her but the peculiarity of the manner   in which God gave her the song makes it her first single.

The song INDISPUTABLE talks about the super evident, terrifying and awe-inspiring nature of God whose power is unchangeable. By his power, he created all things, by his power, he is able to do all things. By his Almighty power, a pregnant woman’s belly “covers” a living creature for months without suffocation!

Truly, our God is INDISPUTABLE!

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Super evident
You fold up waters up there in the cloud
Omi o jabo, ko wo lewa Lori
( The waters remained up there, not falling on us )
O bo omo pamo, sinu alaboyun, omo o suffocate o
( He “covered” up a child in a pregnant woman’s belly without it suffocating )
I can’t but lift you high
Raise my voice and shout aloud that you are
 (Powerful one) 
E fi’di aye sole sori omi o
( You founded the earth upon the seas )
Ki le o lese?
( What can you not do ?)
The Almighty God
What can you not do
God of all flesh
In the whole wide world
There is no worthy challenger
None even comes close
Ko s’eni to ba o
( None can match you )
E po ni Ipa o
( Plenteous in might you are) 
E tobi ni agbara
( Great in power are you) 
Ko s’eni t’oto o, Baba mi o
( None is as great as you, my father) 
Great are you Lord…
I see the stars
I hear the mighty thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe displayed
When I look down
from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze
Then shall I bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim
How great thou art 
Omimimile m’igi oko
 (The terrifyingly powerful force) 
Olodu to mare
 (Almighty, All-knowing ) 
Oba mi aditu to ni gbogbo asiri aye lowo
( The mysterious king who knows all the secrets in the world )
The way…B’ose je ona, lo se je igun ile, the chief cornerstone
( You’re the way, yet the Chief cornerstone )
Bee lo tun se je ilekun, eyin tun ni kokoro
( Still the door, at the same time the key )
Oh… When you shut no man can open
When you open, no man can shut
What can you not do
God of all flesh.

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