Music: IT’S TIME – Rosemary Jacob

Rosemary Jacob the UK based gospel music minister releases her debut single titled IT’S TIME.


This song was born from a heart and place of desperation and strong desire to be used by God.
Our world, nations and communities are broken and in desperate need of change.


God wants people saved, healed and delivered and he wants to use us as Christians to do this.


We can only receive the power to change our world when we enter into his presence! then we overcome any fear that’s holding us back from completely surrendering to God.


A couple of years ago, Iwas out and about walking the streets of Luton in Bedfordshire UK, a deep sense of burden came upon me to see souls saved and get introduced to Jesus. As my custom was, I would preach to some and hand out tracts. The Lyric and melody of this song began to well up in my heart in that state of burden for souls. I got home and recorded it on my phone. I knew in my heart God wanted me to work on the song and release it.


The Holy Spirit in me was longing for a fresh move of God and a Fiery manifestation of God’s Glory!
There’s about to be a Tsunami and Flood of Glory and Revival in the UK and the Nations of the world.


To this Purpose is my Life Committed, to be used for God’s Glory!


I pray this song ignites a deep passion in someone to strengthen their relationship with God and desire to be used by him to lead many to Salvation. Joel 3:14


True Revival begins within our hearts as individuals. It is not an external thing that just comes upon us or compels us and makes us obey God and live for him. It is us yielding to the nudging and promptings of the Holy Spirit to pray more, study God’s word more, live holy and do whatever he tells us to do! That is when Revival begins.
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Also Available on DIGITAL STORES   & Audiomack


Rosemary Jacob is a prolific song writer and singer who has been writing songs since she was about 4 years old. Passionately influenced by her Late mother who was a Singer, Rosemary Jacob would sing spontaneous songs to her family and friends whenever she was happy and excited. 


Rosemary Jacob believes that Music, particularly gospel music and gospel inspired arts is a mighty tool in the hands of God to change lives and set people on the path of a glorious relationship with God and Heaven.


She considers it one of the greatest Privileges of her life to be enabled by God to sing unto him, lead his precious people in Worship and receive songs from Him for his World.


The Grace for gospel song writing and singing became prominent and refined when she became born again at the age of 15, still in secondary school. She would often receive multiple songs from the Holy Spirit during her quiet time and times of Devotion. The songs came fully with lyrics, stanzas and the melodies. 


She would often write new songs for her Church Choir. Many of her formally undocumented songs were song on Sundays and Wednesdays in her home Church, Churches she attended and Student fellowship during University days. 


She has a gifting of writing new spontaneous songs on any theme or subject. She has written many specific songs for weddings, naming ceremonies, Christian conferences, evangelistic outreaches and for personal family use. Many of these songs are hidden in various wedding videos, Christian conference videos and naming ceremony recordings in Nigeria and here in the UK. 


She also has a knack for reinventing and transforming existing songs into a completely beautiful and new work of art. She writes fresh new intros, stanzas and Chorus for many of them. 


Songs like “Am a new creation”, “No Jesus no life”, “Eslshaddai, Eslshaddai.”. And lots more are some of the songs she has beautifully re- invented and customised. 


She has worked informally in Nigeria with a couple of Singers to “add flesh” to their music and take it to a whole new level


Her Debut Single titled ‘’IT’S TIME’’, is also a bold declaration of her resolve and determination by the Grace of God to begin to formally release Songs, books, ideas and concepts that God has put in her all through the years, so they can be a blessing to people all over the world. 


Rosemary Jacob is a singer, songwriter, worship leader, author, wife, Pastor and intercessor. She lives in Bedfordshire UK with her Husband and Children. 


Follow Rosemary Jacob on Facebook, Instagram,  twitter and subscribe to her YouTube channel for new music and ministry updates.