(e-book) A Cry In The Dark (My Journey From Fear To Freedom) – Melvin L. Latimer

The God of Heaven Offers Healing From Fears, Failures and Shame Xulon Press presents hope for anyone trapped in the dark.


MAITLAND, FL—Author Melvin L. Latimer draws readers gently into the light with A Cry in the Dark: My Journey from Fear to Freedom($12.49, paperback,9781662812163;$5.99, e-book, 9781662812170).


While the Bible may seem abstract and mysterious to some, others find it to be a constant source of applicable, everyday wisdom.  


Latimer is one of these people, and he takes teachings from God’s Word to lead readers to a divine relationship that will change their lives in very practical ways. Woven together with his personal testimony is encouragement for readers to find courage and freedom in Christ.


“I was inspired to write the book because I wanted to help others to realize that they did not have to continue to cry in the dark because there is hope and help,”said Latimer.


Melvin L. Latimer holds an honorary doctorate degree in Biblical Education, and has spent over 45 years in the gospel ministry, specializing in men’s ministry.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. A Cry in the Dark is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.


Contact:Melvin L. Latimer
Instagram: @latimermelvin