New Release: MY SONG – Ashley BA Music


Ashley BA the Bristol based British recording artiste releases her much anticipated new music titled “My Song”

Ashley BA is renowned for her anointed worship and inspirational songs. “My Song” was released in June 2020.

A beautiful balad that will bring you into a meditative state of being sheltered by a loving Father. A melodious walk through Ashley BA Music’s song ‘My Song’. A simple yet dynamic build of emotions as you listen minute by minute. A push of harmonies break into the bridge to bring a final depth of beauty into this melody.

An adventure of weakness to strength as the words speak over you. You begin to connect with your emotions and the truth of God as each line is sung. ‘My Song’ can become your song after just one listen.


A series of events at the start of 2019 left me battling with episodes of depression. I found this ironic as I felt I was expected to still function as normal. Still smile and say the Christian idioms like “God is good all the time” and “it is well” when it really didn’t feel “well” at all. The hardest thing was to still lead worship each Sunday in church when I literally felt like a shell of myself. That’s when the scripture in Psalm 118:14 became real to me, where it says “The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation”, which this song is based upon.

One Sunday I told God that He is literally going to have to sing through me, as I couldn’t see myself getting out of bed let alone make it to church to lead worship. It’s funny because during that period I could feel my worship going to a whole new level. I could feel it but I couldn’t explain it. It was definitely deeper, more genuine and more intimate. During that time I learnt to lean on God for strength, mostly because I didn’t have any other option to function. He literally became my strength and my song, when I didn’t have a song or the strength to sing.

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Available on:  AppleMusic   |  Googleplay   | Spotify 
Watch Lyrics Video Below;

Produced and Mixed by Aron Bicskey

Mastered by Aron Bicskey at The Nest, Sheffield
Recorded at Oliver Studio, Gloucestershire, England

Band credits:
Andy Baker – Keys, Guitars
Aron Bicskey – Percussion
Credits: Ashley BA Music/Esther Sardar


Ashley BA Music is a UK based Christian singer and song-writer. Growing-up, Ashley was heavily influenced by her mother’s love for singing and music. Ashley first began singing in her local church youth choir from the age of 14, where she went on to lead worship at her local church while at university. On the hunt to take her voice beyond the four walls of the church, Ashley found herself singing in various bands including MOBO nominated “Desire to Worship God (DTWG)” and Manchester-based “Simply Vessels”.

After moving to Bristol to begin her career as a research scientist, Ashley found herself at a turning point in her life. The recent passing away of her mother, coupled with the strangeness of adjusting to a new city inspired Ashley to literally put pen to paper and express herself in the form of song writing. Feeling led to share her creative flow, Ashley made the leap to break out as a solo artist, emerging onto the UK Gospel scene in 2018 with her debut single “Still God”. She has since won the 2019 Christian Talent Award for “best singer”, where she was also nominated for “best solo artist”. Ashley currently leads worship at her local church in Bristol, and regularly releases covers by some of her music influences on YouTube and Soundcloud.
