[New Music] SHOUT FOR JOY by Tayo Bamgbose.



Have you been searching for that song which captures your thankfulness to God and your prayers for all the people He has been using to bless and move your life in the right direction?

Well, this is the song: SHOUT FOR JOY by Tayo Bamgbose. 

SHOUT FOR JOY is a song of prayer to God, seeking His blessings on all the people who have favoured your righteous cause.

This thought-provoking single from the same album that produced songs like BOLD AS A LION and ÌWÓ NÌKÁN is set to get you singing words of blessing continually. Shout for joy is a song that sets Psalm 35:27 (one of the most beautiful Psalms) to music.

SHOUT FOR JOY is also a good song to share, It lets people know your kind thoughts concerning them, especially in this yuletide season.

Tayo Bamgbose, is a prolific singer and songwriter; he is specially graced by God to glorify JESUS by setting the thoughts of God to music. This is one song that will become a part of you from now on. Get it now!

Download, listen and share with friends and loved ones.


Also Available on: iTunesAmazonMusic  |   AppleMusic   | Spotify

This song should be in every home!!

Follow On Social Media
Website: www.tayobamgbose.com
Facebook : Tayo Bamgbose
Instagram: @tayobamgbose
Whatsapp: 08099450075

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